Friday, January 16, 2009

At the Beach house..

Daddy and Daisy chillin' by the fire.
The McCaulley's and the Chubby Bunny Challenge

A pretty smile!

She wanted some corn too.

Emerson's First Beach Trip!!!!

First time at the beach!!!
Mike and Julie havin' fun

Daddy and Emerson ready for the beach.

The men throwing the ball with Daisy.

The ladies ready for a walk.

Beach Time

The Roshto's TOES-Can you tell which one is Big Toe's???
Daisy and Emerson resting after their time on the beach.

Daisy chased after the "Squirrel" over and over again.

Emerson ready for the walk down the beach.

Mommy and Emerson having fun by the water.

Roshto's and McCaulley's Beach trip

Emerson and Daddy smiling
Family Photo on the Beach

Emerson alseep in the stroller while Daisy takes a rest

The McCaulley's

Emerson LOVED the sand~

Christmas Morning

My favorite-Her reaction to her Little People farm
Excited to hear the talking puppy

So innocent

Enjoying her new book collection

Christmas Morning

Emerson loved the snowglobes. This one Grams gave to her.
Mommy and Emerson checking out some of her stocking stuff.

She loved pulling the tissue out of the gift bags.

Sleeping-awaiting Santa's visit

Ready for Christmas Eve service

Christmas continued...These are out of order..OPPS

Emerson opening a gift from a neighbor...Her very first time with wrapping paper. I love the bow head myself.
Bath time with cousin Campbell

Tea party-Campbell got a tea set and she shared some tea with Emerson. The fun times to come!!!!

Jackson loved his new Clemson jersey!! As did I!!! GO TIGERS!!!

Emerson on the move!!! Boy have times now changed!

Christmas at Grams and Gramps Robinson

Santa brought Emerson a Gamecock sippie cup???He must have been siding with Daddy's favorite team.
Grams and Gramps Robinson chilling with Emerson and her new tactile ball.

Emerson got a Dr. Seuss step stole for later:) Couldn't pass up the Dr. Seuss-Daddy's favorite!!!

Grams and Gramps Grandkids-Jesse(19), Krystal (15), Jackson (6), Campbell (1 1/2), Emerson (9mths.)

We all went in to get Grams her long awaited glidder! She has wanted one since Emerson was born. She used mine sooo much when she stayed with us to help out those first few weeks.

Christmas Day at the Granddaddy and Grandma Roshtos

Daddy reading to Emerson as she tries to figure out a new toy.
Granddaddy Roshto playing with Emerson and her new toys.

Shawn and Reece showing off their new gifts from us. Reece loves to draw, so we got him an art set.

Family picture:)

Emerson opening her first gift at Granddaddy and Grandma Roshtos.